
My name is Ryan. I'm a film student at DePaul University, and I am excited to share my work with you.
Feel free to reach out to me on the contact page, or reach out to me on LinkedIn!

Executive Producer at Nametag Films

“I recently had the good fortune to manage Ryan Deitch as part of Nametag Films creative production and post department internship. Ryan quickly established himself as a valuable member of the team. His work as production assistant and assistant editor was consistently excellent. Our internal and external collaborators complimented his efficiency and communication skills. Ryan displayed an eagerness to learn new software and workflows to expand his skill set. Any production company would be lucky to have him on the team.”

-Joe Young

Founder of MEsuite.com

“I really enjoyed my time working with Ryan during his tenure at MEsuite. He proved to be a valuable member of our team through his persistence in expanding MEsuite's network of vendors and partnerships. Additionally, he was able to leverage his problem-solving and investigative skills to unravel complex systems as part of the market research he performed for the company. Ryan is a self-starter, a go-getter, and when given a directive he will take initiative and deliver results with little oversight.”

-Chris Bray